Frequently asked questions

These are tenders that are announced by government agencies, enterprises and organizations through the unified electronic public procurement system Prozorro.

The main principle of the electronic system is that everyone sees everything. This means transparency, openness, publicity and availability of information about government tenders.

The fact is that the holding of state tenders by Prozorro is clearly regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement".

In addition to it, there are also decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Economy and the state enterprise "Prozorro", which concretize or complement one or another aspect of the regulation of state tenders.

Zakupivli.Pro - is the largest electronic platform for public and commercial trading, a project of the %(evo)s, and the official participant of the public electronic procurement system Prozorro.

Today on Zakupivli.Pro public and local authorities as well as public and commercial enterprises hold their tenders when business representatives submit their proposals (bids) and participate in procurements. The terms of tenders are transparent, proposals from participants are open and the best offer wins.

The conditions of tenders are transparent, the proposals of the participants are open, and the winner is the one who offers the best conditions.

Large companies also hold commercial tenders on the platform that gives them an opportunity to use all the advantages of electronic form for procurements.

According to the legislation of Ukraine and the Federal Financial Markets Fund regulations, the property of liquidated banks is realized at the open electronic auction of the Prozorro.Sale system

We want your work with tenders to be as convenient and efficient as possible.

Therefore, we offer our users:

- training portal with useful instructions and tips;

- Comfortable working space

- Free video cours

- regular webinars from experts;

- Free support by specialists

- Fast and accurate tender search

- a mobile application that will help you work with tenders anywhere and anytime;

- free auction simulator.

Every day we do our best to make our site even more convenient and reliable.