Поточний ремонт авто. (ДК 021:2015 – 50112000-3 Послуги з ремонту і технічного обслуговування автомобілів).

Expected value


including VAT
Clarification period

from Dec 2, 2019, 17:15

until Dec 3, 2019, 17:30

Call for proposals

from Dec 4, 2019, 08:00

until Dec 5, 2019, 08:00

not conducted

from Dec 5, 2019, 08:01

until Dec 5, 2019, 14:35

Offers considered

from Dec 5, 2019, 14:35

until Dec 13, 2019, 17:03

Offers to be submitted:
Dec 4, 2019, 08:00 – Dec 5, 2019, 08:00
Clarification period:
Dec 2, 2019, 17:15 – Dec 3, 2019, 17:30

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Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Україна, 01010, Київська область, Київ, вул. Івана Мазепи, 13

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Main contact

Коваленко Дмитро Михайлович (Kovalenko Dmitry)
Language skills:

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Items list

Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

Поточний ремонт авто. (ДК 021:2015 – 50112000-3 Послуги з ремонту і технічного обслуговування автомобілів).

Code DK 021:2015: 50112000-3 Послуги з ремонту і технічного обслуговування автомобілів


1 послуга

Delivery period:

до Dec 17, 2019

Place of delivery:

Україна, 03057, місто Київ, Київ, Дегтярівська 31-А, 8 поверх

Procurement documents

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Procurement documents Dec 2, 2019, 17:20

Terms of payment

Payment after the event:
submitting services
Payment type:
Payment amount:
Period (in days):
5 ( banking )

About tender

Complain ID prozorro:
Expected value:
UAH28,000.00 including VAT
Minimum price decrement:
Type of purchase item:
The primary object of this contracting process involves professional services of some form, generally contracted for on the basis of measurable outputs or deliverables.
View reviews in Dozorro:

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Participants of auction

Дмитро Аліксійчук
E-mail: west_auto@ukr.net Phone: +380689867443 EDRPOU:

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Contract was uploaded and signed by the customer. Tender completed.

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Compliance confirmation Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Compliance confirmation Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Documents confirming of qualification Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Technical specifications Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Technical specifications Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Compliance confirmation Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Compliance confirmation Dec 4, 2019, 13:19
Price offer Dec 5, 2019, 14:09
Estimate Dec 4, 2019, 13:19

Decision of the responsible person

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Dec 5, 2019, 14:19


Document name Document type Date of publishing
Signed contract Dec 13, 2019, 17:02


UAH26,989.00 including VAT




Useful links

Public procurements list of the client Комунальний позашкільний навчальний заклад "Київська Мала академія наук учнівської молоді"

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