поточний ремонт приміщень навчального корпусу № 1 БДПУ по вул. Шмідта, 4, м. Бердянськ, Запорізька обл., з урахуванням ДБН А.2.2-3:2014 (ДК 021:2015 45450000-6 інші завершальні будівельні роботи)

Expected value


including VAT
Called off
Clarification period

from Apr 23, 2021, 12:05

until Apr 29, 2021, 12:00

Call for proposals

from Apr 29, 2021, 12:00

until May 6, 2021, 00:00


from May 7, 2021, 13:17

until May 7, 2021, 13:38


from May 7, 2021, 13:38

until May 11, 2021, 16:33

Offers considered
not conducted
Offers to be submitted:
Apr 29, 2021, 12:00 – May 6, 2021, 00:00

Pay attention!

00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end

Auction launch:
May 7, 2021, 13:17 – May 7, 2021, 13:38
Clarification period:
Apr 23, 2021, 12:05 – Apr 29, 2021, 12:00

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Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Україна, 71100, Запорізька область, Бердянськ, ВУЛИЦЯ ШМІДТА, будинок 4

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Main contact

Лукач Анжеліка Артурівна
Language skills:

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Items list

Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

поточний ремонт приміщень навчального корпусу № 1 БДПУ по вул. Шмідта, 4, м. Бердянськ, Запорізька обл., з урахуванням ДБН А.2.2-3:2014 (ДК 021:2015 45450000-6 інші завершальні будівельні роботи)

Code DK 021:2015: 45450000-6 Інші завершальні будівельні роботи


1 посл.

Delivery period:

до Aug 13, 2021

Place of delivery:

Україна, 71100, Запорізька область, Бердянськ, вул. Шмідта, 4

Procurement documents

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 7, 2021, 13:38
Not indicated May 7, 2021, 13:38
Not indicated Apr 23, 2021, 12:04
Not indicated Apr 23, 2021, 12:04

Terms of payment

Payment after the event:
submitting services
Payment type:
Payment amount:
Period (in days):
10 ( banking )

About tender

Complain ID prozorro:
Expected value:
UAH165,240.00 including VAT
Minimum price decrement:
Type of purchase item:
The primary object of this contracting process involves professional services of some form, generally contracted for on the basis of measurable outputs or deliverables.
View reviews in Dozorro:

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Auction history

Participants of auction

Олексій Михайлов
E-mail: doviraplusb@gmail.com Phone: +380504866836,+380983577700 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Documents confirming of qualification May 3, 2021, 19:41
Compliance confirmation May 3, 2021, 19:41
Price offer May 3, 2021, 19:41
Documents confirming of qualification May 3, 2021, 19:41
Not indicated May 3, 2021, 19:41
Technical specifications May 3, 2021, 19:41
Compliance confirmation May 3, 2021, 19:41
Not indicated May 3, 2021, 19:41
Not indicated May 3, 2021, 19:41
Not indicated May 3, 2021, 19:42
Compliance confirmation May 3, 2021, 19:41
Compliance confirmation May 3, 2021, 19:41
Not indicated May 3, 2021, 19:41
Estimate May 3, 2021, 19:41

Decision of the responsible person

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 11, 2021, 16:29
Not indicated May 11, 2021, 16:29


UAH130,857.00 including VAT


Ткаченко Анатолый Миколайович
E-mail: tkachenkoan06@gmeil.com Phone: +380504865848 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Compliance confirmation May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Price offer May 5, 2021, 20:15
Compliance confirmation May 5, 2021, 20:15
Compliance confirmation May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Technical specifications May 5, 2021, 20:15
Documents confirming of qualification May 5, 2021, 20:15
Technical specifications May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Compliance confirmation May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Estimate May 5, 2021, 20:15
Documents confirming of qualification May 5, 2021, 20:15
Price offer May 5, 2021, 20:15

Decision of the responsible person

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 11, 2021, 16:33
Not indicated May 11, 2021, 16:33


UAH130,858.00 including VAT



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Expected value

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This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

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Expected value

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